Crowdhelix success stories
  • Institut d'Investigació Sanitaria Pere Virgili

    Crowdhelix connects partners for the Neurodegenerative Disease Research Call

    April 2021

    "IISPV found its first match on the Crowdhelix platform only a couple of months after we joined the network. We responded to a partner search posted by a Crowdhelix member from Turkey who was looking to complete their consortium for the EU Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research Call. After a quick email exchange, we were invited to join their consortium and submitted the proposal together at the beginning of March. We would like to thank Crowdhelix for facilitating this connection and supporting our efforts to increase IISPV's participation in international projects."

    Alba Martí Roig International Projects Unit

  • Vytautas Magnus University

    Crowdhelix facilitates connections for EU cybersecurity proposal

    March 2021

    "So far we have very good experience with Crowdhelix team and platform itself. Vytautas Magnus university is a member of this community for just a couple of months but we've already managed to join an EU Cyber security related project consortium due to this platform. Project was successfully submitted, hoping for best results. Looking for other opportunities in the platform."

    Edvinas Samys Head of Communication and Technology Transfer Center

  • Universiteit Antwerpen

    Crowdhelix connection leads to a successful proposal

    March 2021

    "Last year I submitted a post on the Crowdhelix platform hoping that our expertise in nature-based solutions might be of interest to consortia working on decarbonisation calls. Soon after the post was published, we were contacted by a Crowdhelix member from Slovenia who invited us to join their consortium for a call on carbon-neutral cities. We are delighted to confirm that our proposal has recently been awarded the funding & we look forward to starting the project later this year. On behalf of our research centre, I would like to thank Crowdhelix for helping us to make this vital connection."

    Eric Struyf Research Manager, Global Change Ecology

  • University of Birmingham

    Crowdhelix assists with impact acceleration and clustering activities

    February 2021

    "Many thanks to Crowdhelix for helping my team and I contribute towards the preparation and submission of a large-scale international collaborative network (led by Birmingham University) to produce systemic, end-to-end, solutions that protect environmental and human health from persistent and mobile chemicals. Crowdhelix's work in the proposal was particularly useful in the area of impact acceleration and designing clustering activities."

    Luisa Orsini Associate Professor in Biosystems and Environmental Change

  • Gazi University Ankara

    Crowdhelix facilitates advanced materials & manufacturing mobility award

    February 2021

    “Many thanks to Crowdhelix for helping me prepare and submit a MSCA COFUND application last year. I'm delighted to report that this proposal - in advanced materials and advanced manufacturing- has now been awarded by the European Commission. This project will be a game-changer for our institution, and will provide us with an additional mechanism to attract excellent researchers (globally) to the Gazi University which will help us enhance our visibility, connectivity and impacts in advanced and additive manufacturing."

    Professor Metin Salamci Professor of Advanced Manufacturing

  • University of Cape Town

    Crowdhelix matches EU Green Deal participants

    February 2021

    "I would like to thank Crowdhelix for helping me to connect with a prospective collaborator following a post I made on the platform in response to the Green Deal call. This post was subsequently matched and ultimately resulted in my organisation joining a consortium of 26 partners across Europa and Africa jointly submitting a funding application. We now await the full results from the European Commission. Many thanks to Crowdhelix for helping to facilitate this part of the match-making process."

    Associate Professor Nico Fischer (AMRSC) Department of Chemical Engineering

  • Digital Catapult

    Crowdhelix helps Digital Catapult complete consortia for Green Deal calls

    February 2021

    "In late 2020 we were working on several Green Deal proposals and used the Crowdhelix platform to help us complete the consortia. We were quickly connected to a Belgian association, Slovenian research institute and Spanish SME who had not only the specific expertise we were looking for but also an impressive track record in EU-funded projects. I am pleased to confirm we submitted the proposals together last month and are currently awaiting the evaluation results. I would like to thank Crowdhelix for helping us to connect with these excellent collaborators."

    Andreas Alexiou International R&D Partnerships Lead

  • Middle East Technical University

    Crowdhelix assists with impact acceleration of a funded proposal

    January 2021

    "I would like to thank Crowdhelix for assisting us with a large- scale (10M Euro) Blue Growth proposal. The assistance and facilitation provided by Crowdhelix helped us find expertise which contributed to the impact acceleration of the proposal. I’m delighted to report that this proposal has now been funded by the European Commission, whilst also scoring full marks (5/5) for Impact and ranking, in first place, as the top proposal for this call."

    Professor Mustafa Yucel Department of Marine Biology

Showing 57-64 from 107