Opportunity for the HORIZON-CL6-2024-CircBio-02-2-two-stage funding call

Increasing the circularity in plastics value chains

Stage 1 Deadline:

February 22, 2024

Stage 2 Deadline:

September 17, 2024

Project types:

  1. HORIZON-IA HORIZON Innovation Actions

Project Proposal

Dear All,

As Sabanci University, we aim to take a part in HORIZON-CL6-2024-CircBio-02-2-two-stage:Increasing the circularity in plastics value chains proposal.

Sabancı University has broad expertise and advanced infrastructure on the recycling of complex, multi-component or laminated plastic waste from various sources for the recovery of polymers in thermoplastic nature. Sabancı University has already a polymer recovery technology in TRL6 and has the ability to increase to TRL8 .

We can offer expertise specific to the call topic:

"Emergence of new value chains using upcycled and/or recycled resources, e.g. through industrial symbiosis”:
- Sabancı University can take a role in purifying plastic waste from selected industries to a level that can be used in other industries.

“Increased upcycling and recycling rates for the targeted material streams”:
- Processes such as depolymerization or pyrolysis are also very costly in terms of energy and operation. However solvent-based recycling systems can purify targeted plastics, and so can increase both their recycling and upcycling potential. Here, a new solvent platform can be proposed by Sabanci University or the solvent suggested by another partner can be studied.

“Increased uptake of recycled material and upcycling to new higher-value products”: -Sabanci University can perform detailed testing and characterization of targeted products.

“Proposals should demonstrate and deploy at large scale innovative solutions and designs for increased quality, non-toxicity and durability of secondary materials and increased share of secondary materials in new products”:
-The solvent-based selective dissolution methodology can separate several materials from each other and secondary materials can be recovered and used repeatedly.

For further: [email protected]

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6557253d358c4_Sabanci University Potential Contribution to HORIZON-CL6-2024-CircBio-02-2-two-stage - Increasing the circularity in plastics value chains v2.pdf