Opportunity for the EIC Pathfinder project

As part of the EIC Tech to Market Programme (EIC T2M), the European Innovation Council (EIC) is offering an exciting opportunity for EIC Pathfinder (formerly FET-Open and FET-Proactive) and EIC Transition beneficiaries.

The EIC T2M Pioneer Programme for innovative researchers is now open for applications. If you're interested in participating, make sure to apply before September 20, 2023!

What can you expect from the program?
The EIC T2M Pioneer Programme aims to assist researchers and early-stage startups in navigating the entrepreneurial world and acquiring the necessary skills to successfully transition from the lab to the market. This 4.5-month virtual initiative will provide collective sessions and individual coaching, focusing on various key topics crucial for deep-tech ventures. These topics include IP protection, user involvement, industrialisation, team management, and finance.

The program follows a triple approach to nurture your major business model hypotheses and action plan: expert guidance, mentor testimonies, discussion and individual advice and coaching.

The 15 online sessions will cover a range of topics, including developing the product-market fit specific to deep tech, techno-economic modelling at each stage of development, legal aspects of deep tech, choosing business models, and transitioning from a founder to a growth company.

To be eligible for the EIC T2M Pioneer Programme, you must be an EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition, or EIC Seals of Excellence beneficiary. The program is open to motivated teams comprising at least two researchers/individuals (up to a maximum of four) per project. Complementary profiles in the team, including an entrepreneurial lead/representative responsible for business orientation and a technology lead/representative responsible for technical development, are highly appreciated.

The availability for this program is limited, and a selection committee will evaluate applications based on criteria such as the maturity and potential impact of the submitted innovation idea, team composition, and motivation to work on the entrepreneurial project.

Don't miss out on this chance to enhance your entrepreneurial skills and accelerate your deep-tech venture. Apply now for the EIC T2M Pioneer Programme before September 20, 2023!
To apply and learn more about this opportunity, please visit https://eic.eismea.eu/communit...