Opportunity for the LASERBLOOD project

We are pleased to invite you to join our new “PANCREATIC CANCER Helix" community. This Helix arises from the newly funded EIC Pathfinder Project “LASERBLOOD”.

The LASERBLOOD (Biophotonic Nanoparticle enabled Laser Blood Test for Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer) Project aims to pioneer a groundbreaking in vitro diagnostic (IVD) test designed for the early detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), based on the fluorescence lifetime (FL) fingerprint of the personalised protein corona (PC). This test, in line with WHO criteria, will enable early screening and provide crucial information about disease progression and treatment responses, reducing PDAC mortality rates.

The PANCREATIC CANCER Helix will form a virtual community where you can collaborate with your peers and follow the project’s advancements, activities, events and results. Within the helix you can share and join specific collaboration opportunities related to this topic. You can also invite any stakeholders outside the Network who may be interested in this field, and whom you trust to participate.

To join the PANCREATIC CANCER Helix visit https://crowdhelix.com/helixes... and click “Follow”. You will then be notified of new opportunities posted, according to your chosen notification settings.

*The LASERBLOOD Project has been funded by the European Union through the EIC Pathfinder Open programme under grant agreement No 101130740.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. This project has received funding from the European Union’s EIC Pathfinder under grant agreement No 101130740.

Funded by
the European Union