Printed Electronics Open Innovation community on Crowdhelix


The Printed Electronics Helix brings together global experts who seek to develop solutions that contribute to the creation of climate-neutral electronics. Membership of the Helix is open to industry professionals, academic experts, high-tech SMEs and future-orientated policymakers who seeking to secure international funding to develop innovations in printed electronics, eco-manufacturing, and functional electronics.

We’d particularly like to hear from experts and organisations who are engaged in the following sectors:

  • Adhesives
  • Conductive Inks
  • Automotives
  • Microsupercapacitors
  • Paper-based wearable electronics
  • E-waste
  • RFID Tags
  • Substrates
  • Professionals or organisations involved in standardisation, conformance and regulation

By taking advantage of Crowdhelix’s AI-powered open innovation platform, Helix members can connect with global experts and share key results to position themselves and their organisations at the forefront of their respective sectors.

The Helix is closely linked to the Horizon Europe funded REFORM project, which aims to develop printed green electronics that will accelerate and guide the creation of a new European functional electronics supply chain.

The REFORM project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme under Grant Agreement Number 101070255.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070255.

Funded by
the European Union

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