International Pancreatic Cancer Experts Invited to Join EU Funded Collaboration Hub

The Pancreatic Cancer Helix has been designed to disseminate international collaboration opportunities, research outcomes and key results.

Crowdhelix, a global innovation platform designed to foster collaboration among researchers, academics, and industry leaders, has launched its latest Helix - Pancreatic Cancer Helix.

Constructed using Crowdhelix’s bespoke AI technology, the Pancreatic Cancer Helix has been specifically designed to disseminate international collaboration opportunities, research outcomes and key results among stakeholders positioned throughout the sector’s burgeoning value chain.

The EU-funded Laserblood project, which seeks to develop new biophotonic technology that can be used to predict the development of Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), is the Pancreatic Cancer Helix’s key project.

Awarded €3 million by the European Innovation Council, the Laserblood project will harness the Pancreatic Cancer Helix to share insights and research results with members of the collaboration throughout its 4-year funded term.

The launch of the Pancreatic Cancer Helix comes at a time when PDAC is one of the most fatal forms of cancer, with a five-year survival rate of less than 10%.  

The lack of adequate screening programmes is a significant factor contributing to this harrowing statistic. However, the identification of PDAC in its early stages could help reduce the mortality rate by as much as 80%.  

Helix manager, Iria Loucaidou, believes that collaboration is key to creating screening programmes and systems that can identify PDAC in its early stages.

“Our aim is to provide a collaborative environment where researchers, academics, and medical professionals can work together to develop innovative screening and identification tools that can guide pancreatic cancer therapies”.  
“We believe that the Pancreatic Cancer Helix will help accelerate research in this space by bringing together leading academics, medical professionals and innovative medtech organisations".
“Crowdhelix is honoured to be able to support experts who are working to develop solutions that will deliver tangible impact on a global scale”.

The LaserBlood project is indicative of the potential offered by the Pancreatic Cancer Helix.

By bringing together a team of multidisciplinary experts, LaserBlood coordinator, Alessandro Rosetta from FLIM LABS, a pioneering company in the field of fluorescence lifetime analysis technology, believes that the project will deliver a solution that has the potential to save millions of lives.

“The LaserBlood EIC Pathfinder project merges cutting-edge developments in nanotechnology and biophotonics to transform early cancer detection”.  
“By harnessing the power of these sciences, LaserBlood will detect pancreatic cancer through a simple blood test, potentially saving millions of lives”.  
“This innovative approach opens new doors to accessible and non-invasive diagnostics, making a profound difference in healthcare worldwide”.

The Pancreatic Cancer Helix is now open for membership. Researchers, academics, industry experts and regulatory professionals working in the pancreatic cancer research sector are invited to join and contribute to this exciting new community.

For more information on the Pancreatic Cancer Helix and how to join, please visit the Crowdhelix website.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. This project has received funding from the European Union’s EIC Pathfinder under grant agreement No 101130740.