International ICT Experts Invited to Join EU-Funded Global Collaboration Hub

The Digital Helix provides members with access to a global network of experts, funding calls, and opportunities to collaborate on projects.

World-renowned academic researchers, industry experts, high-tech SMEs, ambitious investors and future-orientated policymakers have all been invited to join an EU-funded global collaboration hub hosted on Crowdhelix’s open innovation platform.

Led by KTH Royal Institute of Technology, which was recently ranked among the top the world’s top 100 universities by QS, the Digital Helix provides members with access to a global network of experts, prestigious international funding calls, and opportunities to collaborate on international research projects.

To maximise engagement and accelerate collaboration, the Digital Helix will leverage Crowdhelix’s unique AI-powered matchmaking capabilities to bring like-minded stakeholders together.

Helix membership is open to individuals and organisations throughout the ICT value chain, including;

● Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing & Blockchain

● Cybersecurity

● High-Performance Computing

● Connectivity, including 5G

● The Internet of Things & the Future Internet

● Photonics & Electronics

● Digital Inclusion, Skills, & HR

● Machine Learning

● Augmented Reality

● Circular manufacturing systems

Greater collaboration among key actors will stimulate continued innovation in AI and cybersecurity in particular, where the development of proactive systems that can detect and forecast threats in real-time is in urgent demand.

Notwithstanding the appetite for such innovative systems, barriers continue to hinder global collaboration, creating a drag on innovation.

Crowdhelix CEO, Michael Browne, believes that the Digital Helix will help bring innovative business leaders and thought-leading academics together so that they can collaboratively develop solutions that will deliver competitive advantages.

“The digital transformation of business and society represents one of the most significant disruptive trends we will see in our lifetime”.
“As we speak, businesses, organisations and state actors are all reaching for solutions that will give them the edge in a future economy where automation delivers efficiencies”.
“If we are going to deliver solutions that reflect the demands of business, society and the environment, we’re going to need to address challenges from a variety of angles”.
“That requires collaboration across multiple disciplines and industries. I believe that our Digital Helix will facilitate the kind of cooperation that is required to build bold solutions”.

The Horizon Europe-funded DiCiM project is indicative of the bold solutions Michael Browne alluded to. The anchor project in the Digital Helix, DiCiM, seeks to develop digital solutions to boost new circular economy business models that take advantage of the latest innovation in IOT and ICT.

Led by Masaryk University in the Czech Republic, the project brings together partners from 12 different European countries. Working in close collaboration, the DiCiM team aims to develop integrated digital solutions to monitor the condition of household appliances such as refrigerators, electronic devices and automotive parts.

By successfully monitoring the condition of these products, DiCiM ultimately hopes to increase Europe’s capacity to recover spare parts and boost new circular business models that are being established.

The leader of the Digital Helix, Dr Asif Farazee, believes that projects like DiCiM demonstrate what can be achieved when multidisciplinary experts coalesce to drive innovation.

“Projects like DiCiM can only happen if ideas, ambition and expertise coalesce to accelerate innovation”.

The Digital Helix is now open for membership. Researchers, academics, industry experts and regulatory professionals working in the ICT sector are invited to join and contribute to this exciting new community.

For more information on the Digital Helix and how to join, please visit:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.