Crowdhelix’s New Results Feature Helps Researchers Engage with SMEs, Investors and Policy Makers

Crowdhelix members can rapidly disseminate key exploitable results across value chains and stakeholder networks using our Results feature.

Crowdhelix members can now showcase research results on the open innovation platform, making it easier for them to engage with industry experts, ambitious investors and future-orientated policymakers.

The new Results feature has been made available to all platform users to promote the rapid dissemination of key exploitable results among stakeholders across multiple value chains, disciplines and industries.

Crowdhelix CEO, Michael Browne, believes that the new Results feature will help members of the Crowdhelix platform to unlock the potential of individual research projects.

“Our new Results feature represents a new departure for Crowdhelix. In the past, we exclusively focussed on generating early-stage collaboration opportunities between researchers, business leaders and policymakers”.
“Now, we want to showcase tangible results so that we can also foster real-world innovation, entrepreneurship and business opportunities among our growing and diverse community of members”.
“I anticipate that the new Results feature will help us to become an end-to-end open innovation platform that members can leverage to build consortia funded by international bodies before showcasing their research results to investors and policymakers”.
“Ultimately, we want to generate the “gold dust” required to convert research into market-ready solutions”.

Turning inspiring ideas into impactful businesses has long been a cause for concern among European business leaders and policymakers. Between 2011 and 2021, for example, The World Intellectual Property Organization found that Europe’s share of global patent filings had declined from 15.5% to 10.5%.

Europe is also playing catch-up in the rapidly growing field of transversal technologies such as AI, machine learning, biotech and nanotech. A McKinsey report recently found that in the realm of quantum computing, 50 per cent of the top ten major tech companies investing in this transversal technology are in the United States, 40 per cent in China, and none are in the EU.

Given that transversal technologies will permeate every sector of the economy, Europe’s inability to scale in this space risks future growth. Helping European businesses and research institutions to assert themselves in future-oriented sectors is what drives Crowdhelix according to Michael Browne.

“It’s very easy for us all to fall back on conditioned narratives and accept that Europe will always lag behind more dynamic economies”.
“But I can see a very different story unfolding. Europe’s universities produce world-leading scientists and engineers who have the ambition to drive major Horizon Europe funded projects to a successful conclusion”.
“The issue isn’t around the lack of talent or ideas. What we have is a fragmented landscape that stymies scaling opportunities”.
“Crowdhelix wants to help overcome this challenge by becoming a place where ideas, ambition and expertise coalesce to accelerate innovation”.
“If we can achieve this, then Crowdhelix can become an enabler for future growth across Europe”. 

What do we Mean by Results?

To make it easier for collaborators, investors and policymakers to assess the market readiness of a research Result published on the Crowdhelix platform, we have created an eye-catching graphic to immediately indicate its Technology Readiness Level.

This means that stakeholders can track the development of individual research & innovation projects and identify those that may be nearing completion.

This means that we want to share a wide variety of Results on the Crowdhelix platform, including technology arising from individual projects, policy papers, research papers and open-access articles that might be of interest to specific Helix communities.

Where can People Access the new Results Feature?

We have published a new custom-built landing page on the Crowdhelix platform where all results are published. You can view the new landing page here.

The latest results appear at the top of the page. Platform users can specify their area of interest by refining their search using a filter tool located on the top right-hand side of the page. This tool allows users to select one of our specialist Helixs to identify appropriate results.

Visitors can also navigate their way to any one of our 50+ Helixes to view results that correspond to that specific discipline. View the results from the Haptics Helix.

How Can I Post a Result?

Only members of the Crowdhelix platform can post results in the new feature.

To publish a result, members must login to their Crowdhelix account, navigate to the results landing page, and click Create Result. Members can also manage the results they have created from the main user menu in the top right of the screen, by clicking My results.