Crowdhelix - collaboration intelligence
  • 22,246

    Projects awarded

  • € 11.79 Billion

    Budget secured

  • Global

    Open to any organisation

Research and innovation is increasingly powered by global collaboration. Conducting internationally-competitive research and developing breakthrough innovations is moving beyond the capability of single organisations.

This is where Crowdhelix comes in. We’re a global collaboration platform for researchers and innovators. Through the application of proprietary AI technologies we connect businesses, universities, and research centres to help develop their ideas into funding proposals, and to deliver and exploit pioneering collaborative projects and value chains.

Crowdhelix is open to applications from any organisation, anywhere in the world, that can demonstrate a strategic commitment to collaborative research and innovation.

Collectively our network has secured €11.79 billion of project funding, with Crowdhelix consistently identified as delivering strategic value across a wide variety of business cases.

We currently host 54 active Helixes, which are international communities of researchers and innovators collaborating on a particular topic.

Our users can profile themselves, their teams, and their organisations, and post opportunities to collaborate.

An intelligent recommender system then matches these opportunities with the most suitable prospective collaborators, using natural language processing and machine-learning.

If you are an employee or student of an organisation that is already a member of the our network, and have a valid email address provided by your organisation, you can register today for free.

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